A Wheen o Wurds
Ulster is a special place within the British Isles. Three different peoples, the Irish, Scots and English, each with their own ways of life, have made their home here for over 400 years. The society we know today has been shaped by how those three sets of people have come into contact with each other.
Our three peoples each have different traditions that reflect who they are and where they have come from. These include the churches that they go to, the sports they play, and their traditional music and dance. A very important part of who we are is the language that we speak. Everyone in Ulster speaks English, but there are also two other languages, Irish and Ulster-Scots.
The resources below are intended to help people understand that no matter where we come from or what community we belong to, everyone in Ulster has a wee bit of Ulster-Scots and that is something that we should all be proud of.